Hi Everyone

First time poster here looking for some advice

I have recently purchased a tidy 2007 Vectra Elite 2.2 Direct Hatchback

I'm very pleased with the car and everything on the car works as it should except my CD70 Navi thinks the car is somewhere in the middle of Germany!

I've thought initially it was a problem with the rear roof mounted GPS aerial as the GPS symbol had a red cross permanently through it.

With this in mind i purchased a Fakra GPS aerial and installed this under the dashboard and connected to the Head unit.

This hasn't changed anything - i've still got the GPS logo with a red cross through it

I've tried unplugging the unit and leaving it disconnected but still no joy

In the test menu it displays no satellites as being visible - i'vd tried leaving the GPS antenna on top of the dash in clear view but still nothing

Is this pointing towards a failed GPS unit in the CD70 Navi itself?

If so can i source another CD70 Navi with matching colour display and simply swap it out or will it need Tech 2 recoding to my car?

Does this need to be from the same year car and the same model (Elite)

Many thanks in anticipation of any help provided
